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Is There Inventor For Mac

Yes I’m new to App inventor. I’m trying to make a spiffy Bluetooth connect/disconnect button with auto reconnect to last connected device to my Arduino. My app is based on 2 of Z-hut’s tutorials. I’m trying to store the mac address from the list picker into a variable to user later. I reports “true”. ‎Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Inventor. Download LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Inventor and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac OS X 10.14 or later.

  1. Is There Inventor For Mac Computers
  2. Autodesk Inventor Professional For Mac

App Inventor provides an Android emulator for people who do not have Android devices, or who would prefer not to use one while creating apps. To use the emulator, choose Emulator from the Connect dropdown menu. The emulator should start on your computer, and connect to App Inventor so you can test your app and do live development.

The process that starts the emulator involves several programs working together. There are many things that can go wrong, such as unexpected configurations, restrictions on the network you are using, or other software running on your computer that interferes with App Inventor. For school computers, we've seen several issues that interfere with App Inventor, including firewalls on school networks, restrictions on software the the machines can run, and ports being blocked. Symptoms you might encounter include the emulator starting up and then freezing, or not starting at all, or App Inventor displaying 'unable to connect' messages.

If you encounter a problem connecting to the emulator, visit the pageDebugging issues in running the App Inventor Setup Tools and the emulator on WindowsThis gives a step-by-step procedure for attempting to isolate and ifix issues. (This procedure is for Windows. The issues are the same for MacOS and we will be publishing a Mac version of this document soon.)Please go through this procedure before filing an issue on the App Inventor forum. If you eventually file an issue, first search on the forum to see if others have experienced similar problems. When you post to the forum, describe the results of the steps you tried, so that people who want to help you will have more information about where to begin.

Here are some other things to investigate as part of your debugging.

Things to check first

Does the problem of the emulator not starting occur with just this project or with all your projects?

If the problem is with only this project then there is probably something in the project that is tickling a bug in App Inventor. Please submit an issue and include the project source (aia) file. On the other hand, if the emulator won't start for any of your projects, then continue with the debugging steps here. An intermediate case is when you have a large project that has many images or sounds, or many screens. In that case, try reduced versions of the project that have fewer screens or assets to see how large things before the problem occurs.

Is there another device connected to your computer?

If there is a phone plugged in, then unplug it. The current App Inventor 2 software can handle only a single device and will get confused if more than one device is connected. Similarly, App Inventor will get confused if there is more than one emulator running. Kill any running emulators before trying to start another one.

Is the setup software installed in the correct directory?

The App Inventor directory the Commands for App Inventor software should be installed in Applications on the Mac; or C:Program Files or C:Program Files (x86) on Windows; or /usr/google on GNU/Linux. The setup software won't find the emulator support if it's in a different location.

Is your browser running an extension that blocks connections?

An example of an extension that blocks connections is the NoScript extension for Firefox. If you are running this or something similar, you'll need to turn it off, or configure it to not block the App Inventor connections.

Is App Inventor asking you to restart the companion?

Part of the App Inventor software includes the App Inventor Companion app, running on the emulator. If App Inventor has trouble communicating with the emulator, it may ask you to restart the Companion. To do this, use the emulator on the computer screen: press the (image of the) menu key, and then the button to kill the app. If the Companion tarts up again, asking about a QR code, press the menu key and kill it again. Now select emulator again from the App Inventor connect drop-down menu. Restarting the Companion might not solve your problem (there might be another underlying cause) but it is a good first step.

Are you waiting long enough?

When the emulator starts, it first appears as a black screen with the word Android in the middle. In some cases, it can stay that way for as much as several minutes while the emulator program starts up. We don't know why this is, and it might not happen all the time, but we'll keep investigating. Once the emulator gets past that, the screen will turn completely black and then come up with the Android home screen. Shortly after that, App Inventor should recognize that the emulator has started and start the companion in the emulator, and then load the blocks for your app. If things break at some point in this startup, you'll need to do some further diagnosis (see below) but the first thing is to wait.

Further diagnosis and debugging

If you've tried everything above, and there are still problems, you'll need to do some diagnosis and debugging. This will require using the console commands. Try to get help if you are not familiar with using the command console.

As an overview, running the emulator involves the following components:

  • The Android emulator program running on your computer.
  • The App Inventor Companion app running in the emulator.
  • The aiStarter program running in your computer. It manages the connection between the browser and the emulator.
  • The adb (Android Debug Bridge) program running on your computer, which lets the computer control attached Android devices.
  • A rendez-vous server running at MIT, which App Inventor and the Companion use to inform each other of their IP address.
You may have to check some or all of these in the following diagnostic steps.

Can the computer run the emulator program at all?

If the emulator does not start at all (i.e.,you don't see the emulator window appear on the computer screen). It might be that there is a permissions issue in accessing files or directories that keeps the emulator from starting. There are also cases where administrative software prevents school computers from running scripts (bat files). This will also prevent the emulator from working. To diagnose this, get out of App Inventor, go to the the Commands for App Inventor directory and run the command run-emulator. Examine the console output for the emulator program to see if that gives you a hint about why the emulator isn't starting. (Don't worry if you see a warning about adjusting the partition size -- that's normal.) After you've dealt with the problem, try run-emulator again. Then kill the emulator program and try App Inventor with starting the emulator as usual.

What is aiStarter starter and how do I start it?

The aiStarter program is installed on your computer when you install the App Inventor Setup software. It provides communication between App Inventor running in the browser, and other parts of App Inventor. Whenever you want to use the emulator or the USB cable, you need to make sure that aiStarter is running. If it is not running, you'll get an error message saying that aiStarter does not appear to be running. On Windows, there should be a button on your desktop that starts aiStarter. On the Mac, aiStarter should start automatically, so Mac users should not have to worry about this. In case aiStarter somehow does need to be started manually on the Mac, find it using Spotlight, use the Finder to go to /Applications/AppInventor/commands-for-App, and double click on aiStarter. On GNU/Linux, this program is in /usr/local/bin. You should be able to start it by typing aiStarter from a terminal.

How can I tell if aiStarter is running correctly?

aiStarter is running correctly if the emulator (or USB) connect. If you want to diagnose a problem with aiStarter, try running aiStarter from the console.Then, when you try to connect the emulator, the console output for aiStarter should show a sequence of 'probes' of the form

How do i shrink a pdf file on mac. - - [01/Dec/2013 11:28:30} 'GET /replstart/emulator-5554 HTTP/1.1' 2000

There might also be problems, like a message about blocked ports, or issues with the adb program. For a blocked port, check whether there is another program on the computer that is using the port.

Is adb running correctly?

The adb program can sometime get confused, especially if there are other issues. Open a console in the Commands to App Inventor directory, and run the program adbrestart and see if that helps.

Is the correct device on line?

If the emulator is started and has been in the process of starting up for a while (and is past the completely black screen), run the command adb devices in a console window. The result should show a list of devices:
emulator-5554 device
There should be exactly one device: the emulator. Disconnect any other devices. If the status of the emulator is offline rather than connected, then you might not have waited long enough, or there might be some other program using the emulator port 5554. You'll need to find that program and disable it. If the emulator doesn't continue starting up, kill it and try connecting again.

Is the emulator running, but App Inventor keeps counting down in a loop trying to connect to it?

This means that App Inventor cannot communicate with the AI Companion program running in the emulator. The first thing to try here is to reinstall the AI setup software as described here: How to update the App Inventor Software. If this doesn't work, then check if adb is running, as described above).

Is the emulator hanging waiting to load blocks?

If the emulator had gotten through the entire startup sequence, started loading your app and hangs waiting for blocks, then there might be a bug in your program that is preventing the blocks form being loaded. Check your program in the designer and blocks editor. If you need help, file and issue and include the program source (aia file).

Other Emulator issues

My app runs on the emulator, but images do not appear.

Some people have observed a problem where the app runs on the emulator, but images do not appear. To fix this, reload the App Inventor page in your browser. (Use shift-reload to also reload the cache.) Then try connecting to the emulator again.

When connecting to the emulator, App Inventor says: 'Network Error Communicating with Companion. Try resetting the Companion and reconnecting.'

This message means that App Inventor believes that it's connected (to the emulator), but it is getting no response from the AI Companion software that should be running in the emulator. There are several possible possible different and we're currently updating the setup tools to fix as many as we can. In the meantime, one thing to try is to delete .appinventor folder of your home directory and try connecting to the emulator again. And try starting connecting two or three times. If these reconnect attempts don't work, try resetting the AI companion program. Use the menu key (on the emulator) and select 'stop this application'. Then reload the browser page, and try connecting again. If the doesn't help, kill the emulator window, reload the browser page, and try again. If this still does not work, please report an issue.

Is a firewall blocking aiStarter or the emulator?

If the emulator loads and starts, but then you see an error that there is a problem communicating with the Companion, one possible (but unlikely) cause is that a firewall is blocking connections between App Inventor and the emulator. Windows and MacOS both come with firewalls included with the operating system. Neither of these should create problems for App Inventor, but your computer might have other firewall software installed (for example, AVG link scanner). If it does, you'll need to configure that firewall to allow both aiStarter and emulator.exe through.

Can your computer see the rendez-vous server?

Using your browser (not App Inventor) try to visit the page at It should look like a copy of the App Inventor page (but it is not the App Inventor service, so don't try to use it as that). If you cannot visit it this page, the App Inventor will not work. Check with network provider to determine why this connection is blocked.

To be continued as we get more experience .

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If you’re looking for CAD software for Mac, you’re not without options. We’ve found some standout Mac and cloud-based CAD platforms for you.

You’re likely to hit a wall if you’re searching for computer-aided design (CAD) software designed for Mac. There are plenty of CAD software options for Windows—you’ll see many of them in our list of the top AutoCAD alternatives—but only a handful offer support for Mac.

And, if you think you’ll bypass the issue by using a cloud-based CAD tool, you’ll quickly find that CAD vendors haven’t embraced the cloud as much as other types of software vendors have, so the offerings are still largely on-premise. According to Gartner’s Hype Cycle for IT Evolution (full content available to Gartner clients), cloud-native CAD applications still have five to 10 years before they reach mainstream adoption.

But fear not, Mac users. We’ve done some digging and have put together this list of the top-rated CAD software for Mac. Read more about our methodology at the bottom of this article.

5 Best CAD Software for Mac (presented alphabetically)

Jump to:

  • CorelCAD

  • FreeCAD

  • Fusion 360

  • LibreCAD

  • Onshape

1. CorelCAD

CorelCAD offers 2D drafting and 3D design capabilities, such as the drawing constraints feature for creating different geometric shapes faster and the push and pull feature for 3D direct modeling.

3D modeling in CorelCAD (Source)

Common user feedback trends

Based on analyses of user reviews on Capterra, here’s an overview of the areas of CorelCAD they like best, as well as those they feel could use improvement.

What users like:

  • The short learning curve: Users mention that the tool is easy to use and beginners don’t have to spend a lot of time learning it.
  • Compatibility with multiple file types: Users like the fact that the tool is compatible with DWG, PDF, ACIS, DXF, STL, CDR, and other file formats.

What users think could be improved: Focuslist 1 0 9 – focus timer and daily planner.

  • Software reliability issues: Some users mention that the software tends to crash at times.
  • Better dimension functionality: Some users would like a better dimensioning feature for more accurate drawings of angles and proportions.

Who can use CorelCAD

CorelCAD can be used by construction businesses for collaborative editing on multiple devices. It offers native iOS applications, which makes it easy for field crews to add annotations in graphics and share files using their iPhones and iPads. Additionally, the tool allows team members to leave recorded messages and instructions for colleagues embedded in the graphics using a voice note tool.

2. FreeCAD

FreeCAD is an open source CAD tool that works on Mac as well as Windows and Linux. It reads many common file formats such as STEP, IGES, STL, SVG, DXF, OBJ, IFC, and DAE.

It offers different modules, including a drawing sheets module that converts 3D models into 2D views, a rendering module that can export 3D objects, and an architecture module for a BIM-like workflow.

3D model of a building in FreeCAD (Source)

Common user feedback trends

Based on analysis of user reviews on Capterra, here’s an overview of the areas of FreeCAD they like best, as well as those they feel could use improvement.

What users like:

  • Feature-richness for a free tool: Users mention that, although it’s free, the tool comes with a full set of features.
  • Reliability: Users mention that the tool does not demand a lot of CPU power and works well on devices with low RAM.

What users think could be improved:

  • Steep learning curve: Users mention that the tool is not the most user-friendly solution and can be difficult for beginners to learn.
  • Dependent on community for updates: Users mention that modules ignored by the community tend to become outdated quickly.

Is There Inventor For Mac Computers

Who can use FreeCAD

Is there inventor for mac computers

FreeCAD appears to be best for hobbyists and home users. It’s also good for users who don’t have a high budget for software but still want to tinker with CAD modeling.

FreeCAD could also be a good choice for businesses on a budget looking for a free and open-source option.

3. Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is a CAD tool from Autodesk with design functionalities such as sketching and 3D modeling. It also supports project management with features such as task management, document management, and collaborative image editing.

Document management in Fusion 360 (Source)

Common user feedback trends

Based on analysis of user reviews on Capterra, here’s an overview of the areas of Fusion 360 they like best, as well as those they feel could use improvement.

What users like:

  • Comprehensive design features: User mention that the tool offers all the functionalities necessary for 2D and 3D designing.
  • Availability of training resources: Users like the fact that the tool comes with ample documentation and tutorials.

What users think could be improved:

  • System crashes: Users mention that the tool tends to crash, especially when designing and rendering large files.
  • Steep learning curve: Users mention that it can take a lot of time to learn the advanced functionalities of the tool.

Who can use Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is part of the Autodesk ecosystem designed for the AEC industry. This makes the tool suitable for construction businesses that are already using, or intend to use, other Autodesk solutions. Using a software vendor that offers multiple solutions will especially benefit larger businesses that invariably need software that can scale with their growing requirements.

4. LibreCAD

LibreCAD is an open source CAD tool that supports Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems. The tool comes with 2D drawing features such as a snap tool, dimensioning, and annotations. It also supports multiple file imports and exports.

2D drawing in LibreCAD (Source)

Common user feedback trends

Based on analysis of user reviews on Capterra, here’s an overview of the areas of LibreCAD they like best, as well as those they feel could use improvement.

Autodesk Inventor Professional For Mac

What users like:

  • Ease of use: Users mention that the tool offers an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.
  • Lots of tutorials: Users like the fact that there are ample video tutorials that help them get started with the tool.

What users think could be improved:

  • Software speed: Users mention that the software tends to lag, especially when trying to print designs.
  • Add support for 3D design: Users would like to see functionalities for creating 3D designs.

Who can use LibreCAD

How to create a zip drive. LibreCAD is an exclusively 2D CAD tool for drawing and designing blueprints of buildings, layouts of parks, and the like. As a free tool, the solution can be used by small and midsize businesses across different industries, including manufacturing, engineering, architecture, and construction.

5. Onshape

Onshape is a cloud-only CAD solution that comes with features such as document management with version control, collaborative design creation/editing capabilities, and reporting dashboards to understand project status.

Importing documents in Onshape (Source)

Common user feedback trends

Based on analysis of user reviews on Capterra, here’s an overview of the areas of Onshape they like best, as well as those they feel could use improvement.

What users like:

  • Document version control: Users like the document management features of the tool, such as version history.
  • Intuitive interface: Users mention that the tool comes with an intuitive interface for easy image editing.

What users think could be improved:

  • Performance issues: Some users mention that the tool does not function well on non-Chrome browsers and has file loading issues.
  • Lack of features: Users mention that the tool should improve certain features such as 2D drawing and 3D surfacing.

Who can use Onshape

Adobe premiere pro 2018 crack for mac. As a fully-cloud based tool, Onshape is ideal for businesses that need to manage design documents collaboratively with multiple stakeholders. The tool’s collaboration functionalities include document sharing, document editing, comments, and file downloads in multiple CAD formats, such as Parasolid, ACIS, STEP, and IGES.

Next steps

This report offers a mix of Mac CAD solutions—from free tools that can help you with basic 2D drawing to advanced solutions offering extensive 3D modeling functionalities.

If these tools don’t meet your needs, expand your search and check out more options. To help you, we’ve created a CAD software comparison page where you can explore products using different filters, such as features offered and pricing options.

If you’re looking to understand the CAD software market better, we also recommend that you read the articles listed below:


To be shortlisted, products had to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Products had to be compatible with Mac and offer core CAD software capabilities, such as:
    • 2D drawing or 3D modeling features
    • Collaborative editing of drawings
  • Products needed a minimum of 20 user reviews on Capterra (published in the last two years).
  • Products had to have a high overall rating (an average of at least 4 out of 5 on Capterra).

Note: The content in this piece that provides opinions and points of view expressed by users. It does not represent the views of Capterra.

Looking for Construction Management software? Check out Capterra's list of the best Construction Management software solutions.

Is There Inventor For Mac
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